Dmitry Smolev
theater and film actor
Dmitry Smolev graduated from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS) in 2008 (course of Mikhail Mokeev) and was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater. Plays in the performances “With the Coming…” based on the play by Rodion Ovchinnikov (Tolya), “The Cherry Orchard” based on the play by A.P. Chekhov (Yasha), “The Time of Women” based on the novel by Elena Chizhova (Solomon Zakharovich, Neighbor from Above), “Three Comrades "Based on the novel by Erich Maria Remarque (Pastor), "Tell me, people, where is this train going ..." based on the play by Anna Baturina (Motorcyclist Ilya), "Lady" based on the play by Tadeusz Ruzhevich (Doctor), "Don't Become a Stranger" based on the play by Harold Pinter (Joy). Takes part in the musical evening "The Sun Walks on the Boulevards" and in the play "Gin Game" based on the play by Donald L. Coburn.
In the filmography of the artist - the paintings "Mom - Moscow", "Nanolove", "Shattered", "Startup".
In 2007, he was awarded the Golden Knight Forum Award in the Best Debut nomination for the role of Monsieur Lebons in the play The Last C Sharp.