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Ludmila Berlinskaya and Arthur Ansel
piano duet

The duo of Lyudmila Berlinskaya and Arthur Ansel formed in 2011 in France. The musicians quickly gained public recognition, began to perform on the best European stages, and collaborate with leading orchestras. The duo has taken part in famous festivals: Le Touque (Pianofolies), Châteauroux (Lisztomanias), Gstaad (Musical Summits), Moscow (December Evenings), St. Petersburg, Tokyo (Spring Festival), Lisbon (Rota das Artes) and others. The ensemble has released six albums, some of which have been Gramophone Editors' Choice, Le Monde and Libération's Album of the Year, Choc de Classica awards, and more. The artists run the Key to the Doors Festival (Le Clé de Portes ) at the Chateau de Talcy on the Loire and the Rungis Piano-Piano Festival.

Lyudmila Berlinskaya studied at the Gnessin Moscow Music School (class of Professor Anna Kantor) and the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory (class of Professor Mikhail Voskresensky). From the age of 14, she began performing with the Borodin Quartet, later she played in an ensemble with Mstislav Rostropovich, Svyatoslav Richter, Yuri Bashmet, Viktor Tretyakov, Paul Meyer, Ivry Gitlis, Alexander Knyazev, Alexander Rudin, Gerard Cosse, Gauthier Capuçon, Henri Demarquette, Jean-Jacques Kantorov, Alain Meunier, David Geringas and other famous musicians.

She toured in many cities of Russia, neighboring countries, in most European countries, as well as in the USA, Japan, South Korea, and China. He regularly gives concerts in prestigious halls, including the Great and Small Halls of the Moscow Conservatory, the Wigmore Hall and the Barbican Center in London, the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Champs Elysees Theater and the Gaveau Hall in Paris, the La Fenice Theater in Venice, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels, National Auditorium in Madrid. Participated in the festivals "December Evenings of Svyatoslav Richter" in Moscow, in Auvers-sur-Oise, Evian, La Roque-d'Anthéron (France), the Orlando Chamber Music Festival (Netherlands), festivals in Stavanger and Kuhmo (Finland), Portogruaro , Camerino, Cagliari (Italy), Edinburgh and Aldborough (UK), Seoul Spring Festival.

He teaches at the Higher School of Music in Paris (professor), conducts master classes in many countries of the world. She heads the association Berlinsky founded by her, directs the Paris Musical Spring festival. Honored Artist of Russia.

Arthur Ansel studied in Paris at the Normal School of Music, then at the Alfred Cortot Higher School of Music, trained with Mira Yevtich and Lyudmila Berlinskaya. He won a number of awards at competitions in Bulgaria, France, Spain, Australia, Italy, Russia. He has given concerts in Moscow, Paris, Milan, Frankfurt, London, Los Angeles, New York, including the Corto Hall, Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center.

The pianist's repertoire covers a wide range of music from the Baroque era to the latest compositions. He pays special attention to the music of twentieth-century composers - Olivier Messiaen, John Corigliano, Henri Dutilleux, Bruno Mantovani; took part in the festival of contemporary music "Another Space" in the Moscow Philharmonic (2010). Ansel expands the repertoire of the duet with Lyudmila Berlinskaya with his own transcriptions for two pianos, including transcriptions of famous symphonic works.

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