Tretyakov Gallery,
Vrubel Hall
Moscow, Lavrushinsky per., 10
May 27 - May 29, 2022
The VII International Chamber Music Festival VIVARTE will be held from May 27 to May 29 at the Tretyakov Gallery. This year it is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Diaghilev, a legendary genius and discoverer of talents who influenced the tastes, fashion, theatrical and visual arts of the last century and largely determined the perception of Russian culture in the West. According to the established tradition, all three festival evenings will take place in the space of the Vrubelevsky Hall.
VIVARTE International Chamber Music Festival, inheriting the glorious traditions of the Tretyakov House, is the brainchild of a wonderful team of like–minded people. The authors of the idea and co–organizers of the forum are the world-famous cellist Boris Andrianov, the creative forces of the Tretyakov Gallery and the cultural and charitable foundation "U-ART: You and Art" Iveta and Tamaz Manasherov – famous patrons who support contemporary art in its most diverse manifestations and believe their goal is "to create something positive, kind and right". Like Tretyakov, the Manasherovs have created and are constantly expanding a unique collection of paintings by artists of the twentieth century, finding in it an important "cultural context of the epoch", and in their activities – "a touch to the living history of modernity".
Festival organizers: U-Art Foundation: You and Art together with the Tretyakov Gallery
Artistic director: Boris Andrianov
Festival President: Iveta Manasherova
We sincerely believe in the all–conquering power of art, and therefore the VIVARTE-2022 festival should be! It is art and culture that is the undisputed, main pride of Russia, and today we remember Sergei Diaghilev, whose 150th birthday is celebrated this year, a great man who made the whole world pay attention to the new Russian art. >>
I am glad to welcome you again at the annual VIVARTE Music Festival, which the Tretyakov Gallery holds together with the U-Art Foundation: You and Art" by Iveta and Tamaz Manasherov. The focus of the festival, as always, is the synthesis of arts, which is especially in tune with this year's theme. >>
We are happy to welcome all the guests and participants of the VIVARTE festival after the pandemic, and it is especially nice to see the concert halls full. This year's festival, like a few years ago, will be preceded by a large autumn exhibition at the State Tretyakov Gallery – this time dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev. >>
пятница 19:00
Синтетический музыкальный спектакль по пьесе Марии Дружининой «Завтрак с Дягилевым».
Спектакль «Дягилев» – это история рождения, расцвета и заката творческого объединения «Мир искусства», рассказанная от лица его основателей и их сподвижников: Сергея Дягилева, Дмитрия Философова, Льва Бакста, Александра Бенуа, Валентина Серова, Зинаиды Гиппиус и других.
суббота 19:00
Программа концерта составлена из произведений композиторов, с кем в той или иной мере сотрудничал Дягилев в Париже. Первое место в ряду его постоянных творческих партнеров и единомышленников принадлежит Игорю Фёдоровичу Стравинскому, с именем которого связаны многие революционные прорывы в музыкальном театре, самые громкие скандалы и вел ичайшие триумфы «Русских сезонов».
воскресенье 19:00
Заключительную программу откроет Соната Антонио Вивальди – итальянского композитора родом из Венеции, чей творческий гений расцвел в этом городе. Он писал оперы для венецианских театров, создал множество знаменитых инструментальных концертов, сонат и вокальных сочинений для консерватории-пансиона Pio Ospedale della Pietà, где более 30 лет был музыкальным наставником молодежи.